Toddler Sessions
(Please check Facebook for cancellation notices)
Each session your child will get to explore nature through fun hands-on activities.
Children unsteady on their feet will find it more difficult but with your help can also find it enjoyable.
Please be aware you will need to take your rubbish home with you.
There is a sawdust toilet on site. Off-road prams can get to the central area.
Please arrive by 10.25 so we can all walk down to site together.
11:30-11:45 you are welcome to explore the site independently or have your lunch.
We want everyone to have a good time, so if you get cold, we won’t be offended if you go home early.
Please book and pay online. Don’t forget to bring your ticket with you. A Screen shot is OK.
Rain, Sun Or Snow. (Please check our Facebook to see if we have had to cancel for any reason)
Book Online Today.