Complaints Policy

We hope that everyone who comes into contact with our organisation will feel that they can tell us about any suggestions criticisms or complaints that they have. We aim to give the best possible service to all our users and we always try to improve when problems are identified.

If you are happy to pass on a complaint in person please talk to the Lead

We promise to:

  • To listen properly to what you have to say.
  • To give you an answer straight away if possible, but otherwise follow up your complaint promptly
  • To discuss your complaint at our next team/ management committee meeting.
  • To give your complaint serious attention
  • To respond to you in writing as soon as possible. We hope that this will never be longer than six weeks.


A thoughts and ideas book will be on hand all times. Children, young people and the wider community will be encouraged to use this method to enable us to improve our service. Entries into the Ideas book will be monitored, discussed and acted upon where appropriate by @Play.