Four Stage Anti Bullying Guidelines
Stage 1: Preventative Approach and Strategies
- Always focus on positive behaviours
- Adopt an Anti-Racist approach
- Adopt a Multi Cultural approach
- Be pro-active in determining behaviour swings
- Stop/ discourage any immediate violence or dangers (go to stage 2)
- Offer ways to resolve issues
- Determine and reward positive behaviours and outline unacceptable ones when necessary
- Be calm this will set the tone for all sessions
- Explain and be clear about the consequence of a given action if it looks like it may get out of hand
- Engage or target lively children and give them more attention to begin with then try to set emotional and physical goals within their capabilities
- Treat each child as an individual and as a mini adult
- Give children responsibilities to avoid negative behaviours
- Bribery…..use it as a bargaining tool i.e. getting to light the fire.
- Listen carefully to all children
- Offer children alternatives rather than saying Don’t or No!
Stage 2: Unacceptable Behaviours
Emotional: unfriendly, excluding and tormenting
Physical: Pushing, kicking other uses of violence
Racist: Racial taunts, graffiti, gestures
Sexual: Unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments
Homophobic: Because of, or focusing on the issue of sexuality
Verbal: Name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours and teasing
Give warning to children that the session will stop if the negative behaviour continues
Talk to individual children involved on one side after the incident has occurred or at the next session (if individuals have left)
Discuss incident and feelings both parties may have. Use this to boost self esteem to the bully and encourage empathy simultaneously.
Possible warning scheme to be introduced. Write a full report in the incident book and session review
Reflect on consistent reoccurrences of children reaching this stage. Review the best way forward with management.
Stage 3: Crisis Management
- Problem is communicated between adults very quickly
- Approach is decided and crisis responsibility is delegated amongst adults or responsible young persons
- One or both of the adults (or responsible young people) try to diffuse the situation in hand
- One or both adults change facial expressions (verbal or non-verbal) to address severity of situation. Pack away remaining equipment if necessary
- Situation calms – Goes back to Stage 2
- Give warning to children that the session will stop if the behaviour continues
Parents may be contacted during or after the session. Individuals need to be told if this is going to happen.
Stage 4: Session Stops
- It is reiterated to the children why the session has stopped and the concerns with the incident
- Contacting family of individual(s)
- Contacting police (on reflection of severity of incident)
- Consider making a referral at a later date to a suitable supportive organisation
- Consider contacting schools to address any other problems that may be affecting child(s) behaviour.
Phone emergency services (if necessary) I.E if injury has occurred or people are at risk by an individual or groups actions.
Administer light first aid if necessary (before emergency services arrive)